Our Service - What We Do
Client Support
"Life changed when Dannie was diagnosed with a brain tumour. One day everything was normal & then the next day, everything changed - permanently."
Terry Logun
(Dannie's Father)
We are a pioneering childhood cancer support service that offers holistic wellbeing (Emotional, Practical & Spiritual) support to Children & Young People (CYP) diagnosed with brain tumours, other cancers and their families. Nurturing a family's holistic wellbeing from the point of a life changing diagnosis, will benefit the child, and the members of that unit (parents, carers, guardians, siblings, the wider family) & their community. We are here to offer our children and the family that surrounds them, more support options to help them cope through the changes this 'experience' will bring. You Are Not Alone.
Children diagnosed with brain tumours or other neurological cancers experience permanent disabilities early. Within weeks post diagnosis, a child can quickly lose mobility, speech, language, sight and hearing and develop Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) including learning disabilities or behavioural difficulties. 100% of our families tell us they feel they have been thrown into the centre of a fast-paced rollercoaster brain tumour/cancer care environment and feel that they have very little time to react, think, feel or speak. Alluding to inherent psychological shock/trauma. Many of our parents are left with a sense of grief as they feel disempowered or redundant and unable to control this illness from taking over their child's life. Siblings soon become withdrawn, close friends and relatives start to feel disconnected. Due to the pressure of critical medical care and the need to respond to changing needs, social relationships fade away at a time when our families need them the most. Our bereaved parents tell us that years after their child's passing, they still grieve their experience of cancer care and struggle with the memories of what their children went through. Do we allow these families to suffer in isolation?
We recognise that every family is unique and will respond uniquely to their child's brain tumour/cancer experience. That is why we will respect your unique circumstances and seek to support you at your pace, without added pressure. Our services are flexible and family-led to ensure you feel comfortable at all times.
We are based in the London Borough of Hillingdon and welcome families from the surrounding areas. Please click on the tabs below to read our range of services.
Building social networks and sharing lived experience
Our befriending service is offered remotely (telephone, online video conferencing) and face-to-face.
Friendship is an important wellbeing element and our friendly befrienders will offer a friendship and listening service:
To be the first point of contact for our parents and their children to
Help our parents and children feel more connected and less isolated whilst learning to live with their child's diagnosis
Help parents and children feel supported and have a safe outlet where they are express their feelings and ask the questions that are important to their child's care
Help clarify language and complex information family carers may encounter around the child's medical care and wellbeing
Help family carers and children easily identify and communicate the holistic wellbeing needs that are important to them and, where appropriate, access additional DLF support services
Understanding & Assessing Your Holistic Needs
We believe that understanding and assessing your physical, emotional, spiritual needs (where appropriate) & priorities will help us get to know you better so that we have all the information we can use to support you better. This is an important aspect of understanding and capturing your family’s wellbeing priorities.
We will assign one of our friendly family champions to support you to discover important things about your circumstances and the people in your family's life.
With your permission, we will keep in touch with you, to make sure we understand your current wellbeing priorities, through the palliative care journey of your child or young person.
PLEASE NOTE: We have resumed our service including 1:1 home, hospital and community visits.
Creating A Healthy Space For Emotional Support
We believe that emotional support is an important aspect of your family’s holistic wellbeing and we work with a professional team of people, to ensure our families have access to the right emotional support, when they need it.
All our counsellors are registered members of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) or training in accredited institutions to become BACP registered counsellors. All have experience of working with vulnerable people to explore emotional wellbeing issues and provide emotional validation and support where it is needed.
We offer:
Weekly 1:1 ‘talk and listen’ sessions via telephone, & video conferencing
Weekly 1:1 counselling sessions via telephone& video conferencing
We encourage our families to meet new families with similar experience, share stories, learn from and get to know each other through our:
Monthly group peer support sessions via online video conferencing
PLEASE NOTE: We have resumed our service including 1:1 home, hospital and community visits.
Creating A Healthy Space to Explore Faith & Meaning of Life
Spiritual wellbeing and Faith do not mean the same thing. Although often used interchangeably, they have different meanings.
From our lived experience in caring for Dannie, we understand that during a health crisis, a child's spiritual beliefs and questions around meaning of life are challenged, tested or brought to bear. This is the same for their family. Suddenly, new existential questions emerge. Questions and issues around meaning of life, faith and purpose, that didn't previously matter, start to surface in their sub-conscious and linger. We recognise and care about this, and can help you.
We believe spiritual wellbeing support is an important aspect of a child and their family’s holistic wellbeing care package irrespective of their religion. We work with a professional team of people to ensure we can cater for this level of support and our children & their families can access the right support when they need it most.
For our non-faith clients:
We offer regular 1:1 'talk and listen’ opportunities for families who need help dealing with existential issues and request general non-faith based spiritual counselling. Our resident chaplain and psychological support team have strong professional experience in providing this type of support. Our BACP registered counsellors are capable of supporting you through these issues as needed or preferred. We offer a family-led support service and will work with you at your pace, to provide regular care to help you work through these tough questions and find meaning when you need it.
For our faith clients:
We respect the diversity of faith in our community and welcome people of all faiths. We offer regular 1:1 'talk and listen’ opportunities for all faith practising families who request faith-based spiritual counselling and support from us. We are here to help children, young people and their families find strength and meaning through the life changing crisis of a childhood brain tumour diagnosis because we have been there and undertsand how to comfort others.
For our Christian clients: Christian Support
We specialise in offering Christian Counselling and welcome all Christian denominations. We have access to a trained Christian team who can offer you, your child and your family, a holistic range of Christian tools to sustain you in your faith when you need it most. We are here to serve as an additional layer of support for Christian families, including those who for various reasons do not have, or are unable to reach out to, their immediate church or Christian support networks. We will work with you and at your pace to offer non-judgmental Christian support at a time when it matters the most. Let Light In virtual session.
We can offer 1:1 or group prayers, Bible study, Christian rituals, counselling and signposting to other Christian support networks. We offer a family-led service and will work with you at your pace, to provide regular support to help you validate, strengthen and nurture your Christian faith through this life changing experience.
We run a prayer group that meets weekly to pray for our families who request it and welcome all who are interested in joining us.
Our resident chaplain is a Church of England minister. Our lead therapist, (a qualified Low Intensity Psychological therapist, Christian counsellor and Clinical Psychologist in training), our Pastoral Care counsellor and our non-faith counsellors are registered members of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). Our spiritual support team also have experience of working with non-faith communities to explore meaning of life and address difficult existential questions.
NOTICE: We have resumed our service including 1:1 home, hospital and community visits. Please call us to speak with someone.
Giving you tangible support where it counts
PLEASE NOTE: We believe practical support is an important aspect of your family’s holistic wellbeing. We will listen to you and offer one or more of the following support services as needed:
Meeting with the NHS teams caring for the Child or Young Person and encouraging our families to form more positive relationships with them. This is important to reduce the feeling of ‘them against us’ and to develop better relationships around the child
Meeting with the child’s school and help liaise with academic/Special Educational Needs/Disability (SEND) leads on behalf of the child and their primary carers
Meeting with any extra curricular agencies identified as relevant to the child's wellbeing, on behalf of the child and as required by the child's primary carer/family
Meeting with other professional organisations identified as relevant to the child's wellbeing, on behalf of the child and as required by the child's primary carer/family
Please call us to speak with someone.
A Second Voice To Help You
We recognise many children and their families will feel overwhelmed with the rapid changes that occur at various points during the child's brain tumour or cancer journey.
We will work with the child's primary carer and with their permission, offer advocacy to:
Ensure that important wellbeing priorities are clearly articulated, understood, respected and reasonably acted upon. Where necessary, we help with letter writing, drafting email & correspondence on behalf of the child and their family.
Ensure that our children and their families can access vital resources and services to support their changing circumstances. This may include the child's education, children's services, disabilities, social services and benefits
Help our children and their primary carer's regain confidence in identifying and communicating wellbeing priorities (which may seem to be softer issues but are important to them) and learn to build positive relationships with the teams around them
Offer additional guidance based on the lessons learned from our lived experience and wider resource networks
We will offer a fair, honest and free support service to our children and their families.
Please call us to speak with someone.
DLF Cherry Blossoms
The Cherry Blossom was Dannie's favourite flower and in the Japanese culture, the cherry blossom is a beautiful and timeless metaphor for human existence. Here at the DLF, we share in this symbolism and recognise that every child is beautiful and timeless gift to their family.
Although more children with Cancer are experiencing better outcomes today, there are those rare situations when the best medical plans fail, complications arise or treatments don't work and the child sadly passes away.
Should this unthinkable outcome happen to a child diagnosed with a brain tumour or cancer, our service offers support to bereaved families who request this.
Whether you are a parent, sibling or close relative, our BACP/ACC counsellors offer bereavement counselling and can help you find the support you need to look after your emotional health and rebuild life when it feels most difficult.
You are not alone.
Please click on the button below to make a referral.
For any family living with a child diagnosed with a brain tumour, learning to care for your child can be a challenging and scary experience. You might need to learn how to administer medication, use new medical equipment, navigate the health, education and social care system, access new support services or how to meet your child's changing needs.
All these new learnings can make this experience feel even more overwhelming at any given time. Our holistic wellbeing support service is designed to be flexible and work with you wherever you are on your child's journey, to overcome the particular challenges you identify to us along the way. We care and want our children and their families to know that our service is reliable, so we work with our families at pace, to find multiple levels of support through the emotional, spiritual, practical and social challenges they may experience during their child's brain tumour journey.
To do this, we work very closely with our local and regional friends, partners and stakeholders at St Matthew's Church, The Hillingdon Hospital Paediatric Oncology Shared Care Unit (POSCU), Hillingdon Brain Tumour & Injury Group, Hillingdon4All, Carers Trust Hillingdon, Harlington Hospice Hillingdon, care2talk, Halo Children's Bereavement Service, Hillingdon MIND, the Hillingdon Families Information Services and other local services across the charity, health, social and private sector to offer a more robust support service.
Working together and forming strategic alliances is an important
value which enables us realise our
and strive for better longer-term outcomes for our families. We aim to identify every family's holistic needs in partnership with the medical professionals around their child, so that we can achieve a more positive holistic palliative care experience for our families.
Business Expo -
May 2024
Proud to be members of the Chamber of Commerce and celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Hillingdon Business Expo with the Hillingdon Chamber of Commerce, the Worshipful Mayor of Hillingdon Cllr Coleen Sullivan (2024-2025) and Brunel University.
An opportunity to participate in the biggest free business fair in the UK and network with over 100 exhibitors and 1,500 attendees to promote Who We Are and What We Do. It was a timely opportunity to meet the Local Authority, Small Medium and Large businesses to launch our £20k Bumblebee Ward Garden Fundraising Campaign and September 2024 Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Campaign (CCAM).
When a child is diagnosed with a brain tumour or cancer, questions arise. For the child, their parents, siblings, friends etc. Difficult questions. Irrespective of whether they have a belief system, Faith or no Faith. We are committed to providing non-judgmental support to help each child unpick some of those questions that might catch you off guard.
We are grateful to the Cicely Saunders Institute at King's College London for publishing this paper on the Spiritual, Religious, and Existential Concerns of Children & Young People with Life-limiting or Life-threatening Conditions which describes some of the challenges around addressing the spiritual needs of our children and why it remains an integral part of Children's palliative care.
Our Chaplain Vicky (right pictured) has a wealth of experience working with children and their families across the 3 domains of spiritual care: personal values, existential concerns and beliefs/cultures. We're here for all children and their families because it's about creating a healthy space to respectfully address the tougher questions that emerge and conflict with one's personal belief, faith or philosophy, especially when a child has been diagnosed with a brain tumour or cancer.
Please click on the button below to make a referral or contact Vicky our today.
Brain tumours are unlike other childhood cancers. After diagnosis, the child is left with major disabilities including, mobility, sight, hearing or speech loss as early as two weeks. As the brain and nervous system controls every function in the body, brain tumours or neurological cancers in a child, might introduce learning disabilities and behavioural changes. For children with cancer and their parent carers, returning to school will often require learning adjustments. The best approach to returning to school, involves working with the child's clinical team, the local authority SEND team and their school to understand the special adjustments required to ensure that the changes to the child's learning needs can be accommodated to enable them access the right education in the right school, with the right provision by the right person, at the right time.
If you have found that your child's learning changed after they were diagnosed with a brain tumour or neurological cancer, it might be because the way their brain or nervous system functions and controls their learning, cognitive and/or behaviour has changed as a result of the brain tumour or neurological cancer diagnosis.
To speak to a member of our team, please click on the button below to make a referral or request further information.
Parent Testimonial
"After our son was diagnosed with a brain tumour, his learning changed and when he went back to school, we had to navigate the SEND pathway on our own. The process was de-valued because I was educating myself as I went along and it was confusing. I made many mistakes. My husband and I were fighting to get the best SEND provision for him without support. So many additional things came into play after our son's diagnosis, including changes in his speech and language, emotional needs, confidence, mobility, socialising, independence etc. It was scary to do alone and I constantly felt like I was being too pushy or I was that difficult mum always disturbing his school and the local authority"
(Michelle - DLF Mum, 2023)
Brain tumours and some other types of cancers that occur in children, often always introduce changes to the way a child learns, processes information and behaves.
We recognise that for many parent carers, when their child presents with new expressions of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), this is an additional change that they have to learn to cope with 'on the job'. Not every parent carer feels prepared for this or knows how to engage with the system to navigate this pathway. You Are Not Alone.
Many of our parents have told us that navigating the SEND pathway with school support is still challenging and that the language used in legal documentation is technical, whether it involves securing school learning support, transport support, determining the Educational Health Care Plans (EHCPs), transitioning from a mainstream to a special needs school or secondary school to college. In 2023, we began our online and face-to-face SEND support sessions to answer questions, educate, coach and empower our parent and family carers with they knowledge they need to help them access and navigate this pathway with confidence. We are passionate about this area of improvement and work with our local partners to ensure we deliver good quality support and make a difference in the lives of our children and their families.
Deputy Headteacher - SENDCo Lead Testimonial
"Thank you for attending this EHCP review meeting, it was lovely to meet you in person and for your contributions - its exactly how it should be - everyone coming together to put the needs of the pupil first. "
(Mrs R - Laurel Lane Primary School Hillingdon )
We work with the local Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Information And Support Services (SENDIASS) teams and our children's schools to offer our parent carers, children and teenagers with EHCPs the right guidance to help them understand this legal document and the language used within.
Do you need independent guidance and support with your child's EHCP review? Please contact us today.
Parent Testimonial
"Thank you for accompanying me to AB's EHCP review. For your professional support and for bringing your perspective. I am not familiar with a lot of the words used in the EHCP and you reminded me of other things that needed addressing. I felt supported and would definitely use this service again and recommend you to other families"
...for when all is said and done and the unthinkable, the inexplicably and the incomprehensible still happens. For the point when it seems time stands still and the music stops. For the time when it seems the colour fades and there are no more suitable explanations.
Life is the mystery that surrounds us all and unfolds through time. Life is that gift that we all enjoy and live with anticipation and hope. Life is that gift, we have limited control over. Yet when the unthinkable happens to a child, through cancer, the shock and trauma is unparalleled.
We want every bereaved parent carer reading this to know that we understand because our cofounders have been there and are still walking through their journey. We do not want you to feel you have to walk through your journey alone. We would like to reach out to you and extend our support, even so silently by your side.
Please make a referral today.
Parent Testimonial
"These multi-vitamin jellies are a great idea. I am forever battling to get vitamins into my son."
"Ahhh I've just taken delivery of lots of exciting supplements and vitamins. Thanks #teamDLF that's an incredible kindness!"
Parent Testimonial
"I just had AT tested and he has so many vitamin deficiencies. Even toxic heavy metals like cadmium and lead in his system. It must be from all the chemo he has had. It's sad but there's not a lot of knowledge on alternative treatments to help. The idea of the multi-vitamin jellies sounds good. We'd love to try that!"
"Thank you for the Juice Plus and smoothie recipe. AT was unsure first with the veggie jellies but he liked it afterwards. He is trying to like the smoothie and is taking it very slowly"
Exclusively for our children and young people diagnosed with brain tumours, cancer and their families. These power smoothies are full of superfoods and antioxidants to cleanse the blood stream from the toxins that build up from chemo and radiotherapy.
Our ingredients remain a 'household secret' but the benefits are unprecedented. Read the testimonials from our parents.
We would love to hear from you whether you're a parent, sponsor, member of the public or interested in joint working opportunities.
Find out more and get in touch with us today.
Health professionals across the world, encourage a healthy diet, nutrition & lifestyle for a better overall health. This is critically important in the nutrition and diet of a child diagnosed with, being treated for or recovering from a life threatening or life limiting condition such as a brain tumour or other childhood cancer.
Knowing what to eat and eating the right antioxidant rich foods during treatment is critical to support a child's body's natural repair process especially after a cancer diagnosis. This has great potential to improve a child's health and wellbeing during treatment and recovery. By providing free healthy food boxes, we remain committed to supporting our children and their families to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables to support cell growth, repair and reduce toxicity that builds up from harsh cancer treatments.
Through this cost-of-living crisis and the learnings from the COVID-19 pandemic, we remain committed to meeting our children's needs and offer Dannie's Food Boxes to help reduce healthy food insecurity, fruit and vegetable poverty, healthy food anxiety and the emotional stress experienced in families from lack of access to healthy, nutrition dense food options.
Our registered nutritionist and lifestyle coach is available to encourage our families on how to continue to choose healthy food options through their child's changing nutritional needs.
Please click on the button below to see some of our volunteers at work delivering this project.
As members of HeadSmart, we have been designated as regional childhood brain tumour champions for Hillingdon & surrounding North West London (NWL) region. We work with HeadSmart to co-deliver awareness sessions across our community in conjunction with the Hillingdon Brain Tumour & Injury Group. Together both charities ensure Hillingdon is empowered to recognise the signs and symptoms of brain tumours amongst it's child & adult professionals, in schools and the community.
According to research by HeadSmart, children with brain tumours are frequently unwell for a prolonged period before the diagnosis is made. Furthermore, it can be difficult for healthcare professionals to recognise when a child presents with the signs and symptoms of a brain tumour.
Many of the initial signs and symptoms of brain tumours in babies, children and young people are non-specific and mimic other more common and less serious disorders. Read more here.
We are members of The Brain Tumour Charity and are proud to contribute our quota in promoting the HeadSmart Awareness campaign.
In 2020, DLF Chief Executive Officer and cofounder Angela Logun, trained as a Quality Improvement (QI) Change Champion with the Quality Improvement Clinic (QIC), founded by Nicola Davey in 2013. Nicola Davey is one of the directors at Quality Improvement Clinic London, United Kingdom and has contributed to National Patient Safety Campaigns, Patient Safety Collaboratives, and Quality Improvement (QI) initiatives with Royal Colleges.
The Quality Improvement Clinic, leads the way in the delivery of the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan through innovative approaches to education and training to benefit new and existing staff, support professional development and improve patient care.
The Quality Improvement Clinic has since partnered with the London School of Paediatrics to train paediatricians and parents to use QI practices and principles to solve problems and deliver processes and services that improve patient outcomes. This partnership ensures the excellent training and education of the next generation of NHS staff; to enrich careers, attract diverse staff, boost morale and wellbeing and enable continuing professional development to improve patient care.
In April 2024, Angela Logun and the QIC Learn team of paediatricians attended the International Forum on Quality & Safety in Healthcare, run by The British Medical journal (BMJ) and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). 26 QI project posters across diverse paediatric disciplines were exhibited and presented to an international audience at London Excel. Angela Logun presented a poster "Parents Can Lead QI Too", highlighting the importance of parents learning and leading QI as a practice.
We at the DLF, co-develop holistic wellbeing solutions with our health and voluntary sector partners using QI models. We use Dannie's story and the lived experience acquired by her parent carers to raise awareness of the wellbeing challenges, demands and issues experienced by children with brain tumours, other cancers and their families today. We aim to add our voices to the national agenda to reduce wellbeing inequalities and improve health and wellbeing outcomes for these children and their families.
Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care, Policy and Rehabilitation
The C-POS research team has worked with multiple local and national stakeholders across 76 UK sites, to pioneer the very best in cutting edge palliative care and rehabilitation by integrating research, skilled multi-professional care, and innovation in engagement and education.
Through Together for Short Lives, the DLF joined this project in 2020, to provide PPI and contribute to the development of an outcomes scale which measures the holistic wellbeing symptoms and concerns of children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions and their families.
On Thursday, 22 July 2024, the final project meeting was held to review the study, validation and feedback that involved CYP, parents, siblings, health and social care professionals and commissioners. This brilliant piece of research has captured important outcomes across the holistic dimensions of wellbeing care - physical, psycho-soical & spiritual/existential outcomes, during the child's care to enable :
1. families to prioritise & express their outcomes of care with their healthcare professionals
2. clinicians to conduct more through assessment and monitoring &
3. commissioners to remain patient centred and CYP outcomes based
Read: Newsletter-5, Newsletter-6, Newsletter-7, Newsletter-8, Newsletter-9, Newsletter-10, Newsletter-11, Newsletter-16
Exploring Parents Experience & Perspectives of Advance Care Planning (ACP)
Through Together for Short Lives, the DLF has an opportunity to work with Karen Carr (PhD Researcher, Institute of Nursing & health Research).
This project is part of a larger study aiming to improve how health professionals start advance care planning conversations with parents of life limited/life threatened children.
The purpose of this part of the study is to explore parent experience of when advance care planning for their child was started and to identify ways health professionals and/or parents can be helped to start the paediatric advance care planning process.
Objectives: Primarily to understand:
1. What went well
2. What could be improved
3. Anything that can help health professionals start the conversation and encourage parents to start thinking about the decisions which may lie ahead
Through Together for Short Lives, the DLF supported the recruitment effort to source carers within DLF Families who were interested in this research and had:
• Started discussions on advance care plans
• Started decision making about advance plans
• Started writing an advance care plan
Transitioning from Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) to Adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
The transition of children with life limiting conditions and their families from PICU to adult ICU has increased in frequency and has its own set of challenges.
The Intensive Care Society and the Paediatric Critical Care Society (PCCS) are developing some standardised guidance in this area.
The purpose of the group is to develop national guidance that builds on the pioneering Transitions Pathway guidance developed and used in Yorkshire and Humber. There is an increasing need for such guidance as there are many more children with complex medical and social needs moving into Adult critical care.
Through Together for Short Lives, the DLF is a lay representative on the working party, supporting the writing group to ensure relevant concerns and priorities from a patient/family perspective are considered.
VOICES-C: Understanding the views of bereaved parents and health professionals of a questionnaire designed to evaluate the palliative care services for children at End-of-Life
Through Together for Short Lives, the DLF has an opportunity to work with Louise Worswick (research Fellow, School of Health Sciences) to improve this research study & provide insights on a questionnaire measuring the quality of care in children towards the end of life.
The research team are working with researchers at the University of Southampton (led by Dr Anne-Sophie Darlington) to develop the questionnaire and speak to bereaved parents for comment on the questions within.
Objective: to understand if the questions in the questionnaire are easy to understand, has anything is missing & to improve it for future use.
The research questionnaire is detailed and inclusive of parent and siblings, different demographics and various care options available to the child and family at their End-of-Life
On Thursday, 25 July 2024, the C-POS study held their final steering group meeting. A robust project. Scientifically complex in leadership. Across 76 UK sites, in consultation with and capturing feedback from over 500 participants, including Children & Young people (CYP), their parents, siblings, Health & Social Care Professionals and commissioners.
We are delighted to participate in this pioneering research that has emerged after at least 20yrs+ of research yearning. Finally, this paediatric outcomes scale that measures holistic wellbeing priorities for our children with life limiting and life threatening conditions and their families is close to completion. The study is in its final week of recruiting families, before analysis begins.
We are privileged to participate with @fabian_trust, @DrLucyCoombes,@HannahM_Scott20, @RHardingCS, @DEBraybrook and grateful to the wider research project team for working with @DaniellaLogun.
(+) 44 (0) 1895 622 547
(+) 44 (0) 7760 411 888
Boundary House, Cricket Field Road. Uxbridge. UB8 1QG
The Daniella Logun Foundation (DLF).
Registered Charity Number: 1189746 (England).
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