... to raise funds to support our Cherry Blossom families.
Our bike ride is our annual event and an opportunity to raise awareness of the wellbeing challenges experienced by our children with terminal cancer and the parents and siblings of those who have passed away from a brain tumour or cancer.
We understand that this is a very emotive issue. We host our bike ride, to raise awareness of the fact that some of the siblings in our care have become vulnerable and have never fully returned to school, or reconnected with family or friends because of the grief of loosing their brother or sister. Some are unable to return to school due to grief and associated mental wellbeing changes. Friendships around the family fray under the strain of the inexplicable and what seems like a very lonely grieving process.
Some of our parents are highly skilled and experienced professionals - yet they now need to depend on social support and must apply for benefits, due to the impact of child bereavement and grief on their mental health and family life. This pressure can cause family relationships to break down completely.
If 1000 people, took 2mins out to read this page and donate £1 each, it would help us reach more families with our holistic wellbeing programmes. Nutrition in cancer patients is linked to better outcomes. We would deliver more fruit and vegetable boxes to our families to reduce fruit and vegetable poverty and make healthy nutrition more accessible to our children and siblings. If 500 people donated £1 each, it would help us buy and beautifully wrap 60 brand new toys at Christmas to reduce toy poverty and bring joy to our children AND their siblings. If 250 people donated £1 each, it would pay for the stamps we use to post birthday and milestone cards to our children, their and parents every month!! Your £1 is a practical step that will help us continue supporting our families. Please spread the word and support our fun and lively bike ride. Help us bring our community together to raise awareness of this difficult issue that connects us in more ways that we realise. Childhood cancer affects us all.
Thank you to all our friends who gave up their time to be part of this great cause last year. We hope to see you again next year and raise much needed funds to support the livelihood of our grieving families. Please click 'GoFundMe' to donate. Thank you.
... to raise funds to support our Cherry Blossom families. Thank you to all our family and friends of all abilities - young, old, beginners, intermediates & advanced cyclists who got on their bikes to have fun with us and raise £780 on Saturday, 29th of April 2023!
... for your incredible support. Saturday, 23rd April 2023, was a fantastic day of fun, friendship, food and cycling, to raise awareness and vital funds to support our families who have lost children to brain tumours and other cancers.
Thank you - we could not have done it without you.
We are grateful to our fantastic friends who joined us to raise funds and support the families of our Children and Young People with terminal cancer and the parents and siblings of those who have passed away from a childhood cancer.
When a child is diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour or cancer, it feels as if time stands still for that child and their family. When the inevitable happens and that child reaches their end of life, life stops for them and their families. Their parents and siblings are literally left behind to pick up life's broken pieces. Lives need to be rebuilt and healing starts. This requires time and is sustained with Love.
We keep our bike ride fun so that more people can join. We welcome riders of all abilities for an opportunity to raise awareness of the wellbeing challenges experienced by our children with terminal cancer and the parents and siblings of those who have passed away from a brain tumour or cancer.
This is
Why We Do,
What We Do. We work collaboratively with the NHS, local & national government, Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations to offer
holistic wellbeing (emotional, practical & spiritual) support services that bridge the support gaps and are accessible to more Children and Young People diagnosed with brain tumours, other cancers and their families.
The Covid-19 pandemic, had an indiscriminate impact on the wellbeing of Children and Young People with cancer and their families, as part of the Clinically, Extremely Vulnerable cohort of people. The pandemic also highlighted the gaps and inequalities in the access to, experience of and outcomes of holistic wellbeing support on these children and their families.
We are committed to bridging this support gap. Please call 07760 411 888 to join our bike ride or volunteer. Please click 'GoFundMe' below to donate towards our cause and help us do more to support our children with brain tumours, other cancer and their families today.
10km might not seem to push the boat out far but we celebrate our riders gave up their time, to work together to raise funds to support our children and their families.

We are in the middle of a cost-of-living-crisis and many parents who have lost children to brain tumours or other cancers are unable to return to work.
Funds raised will go towards our families, to meet the costs of everyday things like food, clothing and other essential items. Thank you.
We are a pioneering small childhood cancer support charity. April is Dannie's birth month and our bike ride is an annual opportunity to remember the families of our children who have passed away from brain tumours or other cancers and raise awareness of the wellbeing challenges faced by our children living with terminal cancer and their families.
Our Cherry Blossoms Families
Children with brain tumours or other cancers, are loved and cherished just like other children their age. They love to play and learn with the loving families and friends who surround them daily. When a child passes away or is diagnosed with terminal cancer, it matters even more.
Terminal cancer is a difficult thing to think about and we find that some of the parents of our children struggle to come to terms with this terrible this reality, talk about advanced care plans or even process their emotions, ask for or receive help.
What can we do?
Thinking about childhood cancer is difficult. Talking about terminal childhood cancer is more difficult.
However, discussing the advance care plans of our children with terminal cancer with their families, is ultra important so that the right care decisions can be made at the right time and to ensure that the right care is given at the right time by the right people.
This difficult task can be supported by including the voices of the right people around our children at the right time - these voices include the voices of their care givers and carers. The people who know them best.
Making it accessible to all
Our vision is to offer 'bespoke holistic support' at the point of need and 'catch' our families when the inevitable happens or when they need support with difficult decisions.
Riding is a fun activity that engages the mind and body. Friends come together to support the cause, talk about the difficult issues and raise funds to support our children at the same time.
Why not join our next bike ride if you're interested. It starts with Time and is sustained by Love.

Thank you for your support.
Set up for families by families who understand.
We do What We Do because we have lived experience from caring for our daughter Daniella (pictured).
We offer a pioneering service that is drawn from our lived experience. The objective is to make sure that other children diagnosed with cancer terminal and non-terminal and their families are supported and our community is stronger.
Working together
...with a community of people committed to making a differencing in the lives of Children and Young People diagnosed with brain tumours, other cancers and their families.
Can you help us build stronger local networks, find corporate sponsors and cycling champions. Please get in touch here thanks.
Thank you to our DLF family & friends who got on their bikes to raise funds to support our Cherry Blossom families.
Funding memorial keepsakes for our bereaved families who have lost Children & Young People to a brain tumour or childhood cancer.
No one likes to think about childhood cancers or childhood cancer deaths but brain tumours are responsible for 1 in 5 childhood cancer deaths and are the biggest cancer killers in the UK. This is a hard things to consider but Daniella Logun, Alex, Raquelmi, Amanjot, Dylan and Tom were some of our children that did not survive their brain tumour/cancer diagnosis.
Like many children, Dannie’s initial symptom was a problem with the vision in her right eye but she wasn’t diagnosed until almost 2years later. This might be Dannie, Alex, Raquelmi, Amanjot, Dylan and Tom's stories but it doesn't have to be the same for other children.
Life is full of mysteries that often eludes us, particularly for families who have lost a children to brain tumours or other cancers. Everything changes because child bereavement is a unique journey unlike anything else and brings with it more powerful feelings of grief, isolation, anger, shame, guilt, depression or a sense of withdrawal from the community. Life has to be rebuilt through it's various layers and might involve a complete transformation. We know this because we have lived it and we do not pretend to offer all the answers but can offer friendship, love and support to anyone who might need an extra hand to get through their journey and rebuild.
Thank you to St Matthew's Church Yiewsley and the COOP for sponsoring our event. #DanniesLegacy #DLFFamilies # DLFHillingdon
As April is Dannie's birth month, it is a wonderful opportunity for us to invite dads/fathers connected to this cause, to join us for a sponsored 10k Bike in memory of Dannie, Alex, Raquelmi, Amanjot, Dylan and Tom and our other children who have passed away from a terminal brain tumour/cancer diagnosis. Cycling is a fun, energetic activity that can be shared with friends and family in a safe environment. Through this, we can raise more awareness, make new friends and share stories as to grow the DLF family and encourage bereaved families in the community to take gentle steps outwards and reconnect with the community around them. We want to help bring this difficult topic to the fore of our minds and conversations, so that we can help reduce the taboo around child bereavement, support and raise awareness of the wellbeing challenges faced by people around us who may be experiencing this in isolation.
our children who have passed away and support the siblings and parents they leave behind.
Our Cherry Blossom Service supports our families who have sadly lost Children and Young People to brain tumours or other cancers.
Taking a leaf out of the Japanese culture, the cherry blossom means, saku from sakura, translates as ‘to bloom' and holds a special place in our hearts. It represents Dannie's favourite flower, blooms in April and brings with it a delightful burst of colour and life to her family and friends. A beautiful reminder of her life and beauty as we celebrate her birth month April.
The Japanese culture also recognises the short-lived life span of this flower as a symbol of the transience of human existence. When cherry blossoms bloom, they flourish into vibrant and potent flowers only to fall from their trees only two weeks later. This is seen as a melancholic but beautiful metaphor for our fleeting lives, fresh starts and even people coming together in friendship. This important symbolism is why we have chosen this beautiful flower as the hallmark of our childhood brain tumour/cancer bereavement service - an offer of support, friendship and love to the family and friends who have lost a Child or Young Person to a brain tumour or childhood cancer diagnosis.
Brain tumours are unlike other childhood cancers and not all brain tumours are terminal. Post diagnosis, the child is left with major disabilities (mobility, sight, hearing or speech loss) from the first few weeks. In cases where the diagnosis is terminal, sadly many of our families tell us they often feel disconnected and in isolation, struggling to cope with the grief, returning to work, possibly a reduced income and eventually withdraw from society due to reduced access to adequate emotional and psychological support necessary for rebuilding their lives. We are passionate about changing this and want to step into the gap and offer free counselling & wellbeing support to our children in Hillingdon hospital and the surrounding areas and reach more vulnerable siblings and families with accessible help at the point of diagnosis.
Please click on this link to visit our JustGiving Page.
We understand that no one wants to think about childhood cancers or childhood cancer deaths but sadly, 10 children in the UK are diagnosed with brain tumours every week. Even more painful is that 1 in 5 of those children will die from a brain tumour diagnosis. This is a very hard thing to consider but Daniella Logun, Alex, DD, (to mention a few) were some of those children who did not survive their diagnosis. This might have been their outcomes BUT it doesn't have to be the same for the next child diagnosed with a brain tumour or other cancer.
We accept that this is a difficult subject but as difficult as this is, we are proud to contribute to this important awareness campaign, in memory of Daniella, Alex, DD and other children who's names are only known to their families, friends and carers.
A very special thank you to x6 of our dads/fathers, son and their families who gave up their Saturday afternoon to support our sponsored bike ride campaign on Saturday, 23rd April 2022, between 1:30pm to 2:30pm. Many thanks to our Andy who put pedal to the metal on his gym bike and covered a smashing 50km in total!
We will continue to raise awareness of childhood brain tumour/cancer deaths in our community and the holistic (physical, emotional, spiritual, academic & social) wellbeing challenges faced by our families. Please consider supporting our growing charity so that we can continue to reach more families at their time of need.
Every relevant charity, health institution & media house must communicate and raise awareness of childhood brain tumour/cancer deaths and save lives
@DaniellaLogun @GOSHCharity
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(+) 44 (0) 1895 622 547
(+) 44 (0) 7760 411 888
Boundary House, Cricket Field Road. Uxbridge. UB8 1QG
The Daniella Logun Foundation (DLF).
Registered Charity Number: 1189746 (England).
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