Thank you Councillor Sital Punja
Established in March 2020, 2 weeks before the Covid-19 lockdown, the start-up challenges we faced were unprecedented.
Four years later, Cllr Sital Punja has remained a friend of the DLF. Whether in finding time to attend our events, offering strategic guidance or participating in our various campaigns in aid of childhood cancer awareness. She continues to support the growth of the DLF.
Thank you for believing in our cause, principles, values and objectives. Addressing the wellbeing inequalities that our Children and Young People with cancer and their families face will continue to rely on the type of support you have shown, until we can create an inclusive community, where holistic wellbeing resources are readily accessible, affordable and support services are co-designed with people with lived experience to improve their outcomes.
#TeamDLF Family
As a volunteer-led charity, we rely on the dedication and commitment of our amazing volunteers to deliver our wellbeing support programmes and reach more children and their families.
Thanks to our friends in St Matthew's Church, Brunel University student Volunteers, Hillingdon4All, the Coop, Metro bank, our charity friends, corporates, schools and the people of the London Borough of Hillingdon, we have had worked with over 500 volunteers since our launch in 2020.
Thank you #TeamDLFFamily for your love and support. You are the gifts that keep giving and we are grateful that you continue to choose us.
"I enjoyed the volunteers event and felt included. Some highlights included seeing so many young volunteers and how they've contributed. Hearing the citations for all the awards. There was a lot to eat and drink, the awards and gifts given to volunteers made them feel appreciated."
"I thought it was a great first event and I am sure you will keep it going. For the next event, maybe some volunteers can share their stories of how they have contributed or made a difference. Thank you."
"I love my section, ha ha!"
(Hillingdon volunteer)
DLF Volunteer
DLF Volunteer
Look out for more campaign news...
(+) 44 (0) 1895 622 547
(+) 44 (0) 7760 411 888
Boundary House, Cricket Field Road. Uxbridge. UB8 1QG
The Daniella Logun Foundation (DLF).
Registered Charity Number: 1189746 (England).
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