About Us

About Us

Our Mission.
...to offer holistic wellbeing (emotional, spiritual & practical) support to Children and Young People diagnosed with brain tumours, other cancers and their families.

Our Vision.

A future where families with childhood brain tumours living in Hillingdon and the surrounding areas are offered holistic wellbeing support from the point of their child's diagnosis onwards.

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Hope, Faith & Love

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Our Values.

The DLF is underpinned by Christian principles by a family held together by faith. 

We remain spiritually inclusive, respectful and open to all families.  We welcome families of the Christian faith, Other faiths and No faith.  We want to offer Hope, Faith & Love to families who reach out to us.

Christ Centred

We will seek to follow Jesus’ model of love in our relationships with our Children and Young People diagnosed with brain tumours, their families and the wider community. 

We place a high value on prayer and on the vital importance of forming respectful relationships.  We will work with and nurture the healthy spiritual wellbeing of our families by offering prayer wherever or whenever it is requested.


We care about our community and allow that to motivate what we do for our Children and Young People diagnosed with brain tumours and their families.

We will value individual and community relationships and will work to demonstrate our understanding of the challenges these people face in the way we treat them – with compassion and love.

Family Centred

We value the family unit around the child/young person and will work to nurture this unit to ensure the child’s holistic wellbeing priorities are safely met.

We will consider and respect their thoughts and priorities and look for opportunities to support our families whenever we can.


Integrity is core to what we do.  Therefore, we will be honest and transparent in our interactions, avoid making false promises and be truthful about our achievements and challenges.

We will represent and speak with integrity whenever we can and expect honesty from each other.


We will be prepared to act with boldness, when faced with difficult challenges and address issues openly and respectfully when advocating for the under represented. 


We will act with courage in choosing the right thing to do and maintain fairness in the way we support our families.


We are an independent organisation and respond to the holistic wellbeing priorities of our Children and Young People diagnosed with brain tumours and their families. 

We work to complement the existing healthcare services around the child and will work with other child professionals to provide a holistic support framework that centres around the child and their family. 

"Life changed permanently when Dannie was diagnosed with a brain tumour.  One day everything was normal & then the next, everything changed permanently"

Terry Logun

(Dannie's Father)

Hope, Faith & Love

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Our Goals.

Established from lived experience,

we aim to capture the holistic priorities

of the family around the child or young person

diagnosed with a brain tumour, to help identify their care priorities and relieve suffering at an impossible time.

To this end we have identified three main objectives as below...

Hope, Faith & Love

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To collaborate with the NHS, other healthcare partners and the 3rd sector through Patient Insight / Patient Partnerships / Patient and Public Involvement to improve the quality of service available to children in the palliative care sector.

Child & Family Support

To provide one-to-one & group holistic wellbeing support to Children & Young People diagnosed with brain tumours and their families, from the point of diagnosis onwards. 

End-Of-Life Support

We have a dream, to fundraise and re-establish a Home-Away-From-Home'/Hospice for Children & Young People diagnosed with cancers & their families living in Hillingdon and the surrounding areas.

Our Board of Trustees

Meet our amazing Board of Trustees who oversee the affairs of the Daniella Logun Foundation.  They ensure our governance is clear, fair and focused to ensure that what we do is in the best interest of our families and that the funds we raise are used appropriately to meet our goals.  Each member of our board brings a unique personal experience, skillset, talent and energy to our team. 

Our Operations Team

Our Strategic Advisors

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